Tuesday 10 November 2015

Fallout 4 Day One Thoughts

Setting the world on fire for the forth time

After spending most of the day playing Fallout 4 I can thankful say it's great. Make no mistake this is a sequel to Fallout 3 through and through, for better and worse. Technically the game is a mess, bugs glitches, subtitles disappearing and cameras inside head. Once again Bethesda has rolled out the tired and ancient game engine they've been using since Oblivion and it shows. At times - mainly in wide open space of the world it can be stunning, lighting and haze effects are something to behold. I experienced what appeared to be a radioactive cloud passing overhead where the whole area was drenched in a green fog. Get close up though and you notice the low res textures and stitching together of assets. Animations are better but still as stiff as a corpse. Here's the thing though, that evidently doesn't matter when you exist in what feels like a living breathing world. You enter a room, a building and it visually tells you a story - who lived here, what happened to them, the place being looted after the bombs dropped, that's what's really S.P.E.C.I.A.L here. More thoughts tomorrow.

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